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2003-10-08 3:17 a.m.
appeal to the heavens new
nansen killed a cat
and joshu's sandal was the only response possible
the zen of the unspeakable
means facing the depth of no mind
the mindless

antiks of the brotherhood
stalking the self in voices
channeling the expressions of impossible configurations
the absurdity of implying certain opinions

has every one of you abandoned neto?
is his distance so hard to fathom?

penglaishan is only reacable by dragon back
a sanctified realm of pure understanding and immortal play
surrounded by waters impossible to sail

my heart is heavy here
cold mountain rain storm torrents and waves
lonliness is not a state of being
but a state of mind

these poems grab the last fragments of the untrimmed fans
these are the buds in the bowl
smoke deeply of the intention
each exhalation is a holographik resonance pattern
indicating flow

naked on the night trail
nothing behind me now
blessed is the past for it too is like milk
and brave are those who drink deeply of its lessons
no time
splendoured realm of the unending koan
ten million future buddhas
are on the head of this pin
blessed is the line
like milk bottomless and pure

in the grace of the angels
invisible and intangible
directing unseen stage shows of secret wisdom
what zen is behind the shadow show
what beings more powerful than gods
consciousness regarding itself thru reflecting mirrored pupils
this mirage
blessed also like so much milk
the creamy river of eternity
and endless